Monday, December 8, 2008

Things that bother me...

Alright, so this title might be a little bit of a stretch. One of the things that bothers is me is when I forget my password to any given site on the internet, only to remember it months later (often in dream vision) as something similar to any number of passwords that I had been using at a given time. This one had to do with girls I had dated, along with the last four digits of their phone numbers (I've since changed it to something easier to remember, so don't bother guessing at it, as if you cared). Anyway, the point of this story is that every time I do something like that, I'm reminded of The Return of the Jedi ("It's an older code, sir, but it checks out."). I thought that someone out there might get a chuckle out of that.

Anyhow: I don't have a lot of reportable information today (or time, for that matter). Knee deep in my final papers at the moment, which is a fantastic time for me to remember my blog password... But I digress (This, you see, is a double entendre: meaning that I'm currently digressing in my blog and also that I'm digressing from doing my paper(s). Why do you people read this?). So, I guess I'll catch everyone up. I'm sick, which is another thing that bothers me...

Hell, here's a list:

When my fingernails don't grow uniformly
Sans serif fonts
Legal Pads
Final Papers
Midterm Papers
Grad Schools
College Students (specific brands of them, don't worry collegiate community, you're safe so far)
The collegiate community

That'll about do it, I suppose. If anyone knows anything good about Freud, Locke, or Shakespeare (in relation to either Coriolanus, Antony and Cleopatra, or Timon of Athens) let me know, as I have no scruples.
